Friday 13 November 2020

Prasravana Giri (Malyavanta Hill) of Sundara Kanda, Valmiki Ramayana where Hanuman hand over Choodamani to Sri Ram. Place where last 6 chapters of Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana happened

I am reading Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana for last 25 years. I used to wonder what is this this story all about. What is the philosophy behind this, where this happened, is this really happened or it is a myth. Could not find much from the net or from scholars. 

This blog we will see the geographical aspects of the last 6 chapters of Sundara Kanda. Not covering any other aspects like the vedanta behind these chapters or the upasana method for these 6 chapters. 

Hampi is a place in Karnataka state of India. 35Km near Bellari steel plant. The map above shows the path travleed by Sri Ram while he was in exile. He stayed in Hampi for 4 months. The place was earlier known as Kishkinda. Kishkinda was ruled by monkeys and bears. It will be astonishing to the new generation that the monkey's could rule, speak etc. If you see the genetic structure of the monkey's they have 99% DNA of human. 

Picture of Daroji Bear Sanctuary very near to Kishkinda. Jambavan was was a bear and was part of Ramayana. Kishkinda was a kingdom of monkeys and bears. It is scientifically proved that the monkeys and bears have social life. There is a structure in their social life. 

Sri Ram came here in the rainy period where he cannot travel. In India majority of ascetics should not stay in a place for more than a period. As they will get attached to that place and mix with what is happening there which will lead them to worldly affairs. But The varsha rithu (rainly season) they are allowed to stay in a place. In India the rainy season is in JULY-OCTOBER. As Sri Rama had taken an oath that he will lead the life of a tyagi, he was not willing to step into the Kishkanda city nor place in Kishkinda. So he stayed in a place outside city limits of Kishkinda named as Prasravana Giri. PRASARVANA GIRI = Have great meaning. PRA in Sanskrit have more than 30 meanings in Sanskrit. One of the meaning is to Fulfill, At the end of, Overtaking, all represent the path to brahman. SRAVANAM = Hearing. PRASRAVANAM = Hearing Brahman. 

Kishkinda Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana have vivid description of this mountain. Chapter 27. 

शार्दूल मृग संघुष्टम् सिंहैः भीम रवैः वृतम् |
नाना गुल्म लता गूढम् बहु पादप संकुलम् || ४-२७-२
ऋक्ष वानर गोपुच्छैः मार्जारैः च निषेवितम् |
मेघ राशि निभम् शैलम् नित्यम् शुचिकरम् शिवम् || ४-२७-३

Mt. Prasavana is pervaded with noisily growling tigers and beasts, mightily roaring lions, compacted with diverse shrubs and creeper-plants, overspread with many a kind of tree, thus it is adored by bears, monkeys, baboons, and even by wildcats, and that mountain which is always sanctifying and tranquil is like a heap of clouds in its shine. [4-27-2, 3]

सुसुखे हि बहु द्रव्ये तस्मिन् हि धरणी धरे |
वसतः तस्य रामस्य रतिः अल्पा अपि न अभवत् || ४-२७-३०

Though that mountain is indeed very comfortable, though it possess many objects of nature like flowers, fruits and waters, indeed, there is no slightest bliss to Rama while he resided there. [4-27-30]

On top of mountain there was a Copper colour cave. Sri Ram and Lakshmana stayed there for the whole of 4 months. This time the all monkeys went in search of Sita who was abducted by Ravana. 

The copper colour cave is still there and few hundred year back a king made a temple around this cave and installed the idols of Rama, Lakshmana & Hanuman in this cave. This is photo from back side of the cave. 

तस्य शैलस्य शिखरे महतीम् आयताम् गुहाम् |
प्रत्यगृह्णीत वासार्थम् रामः सौमित्रिणा सह || ४-२७-४

Rama along with Lakshmana has taken up an ample spaced cave as residence on the cliff of that mountain. [4-27-4]

इयम् गिरि गुहा रम्या विशाला युक्त मारुता || ४-२७-६
अस्याम् वस्त्याम सौमित्रे वर्ष रात्रम् अरिंदम |

"This delightful mountain cave is spacious and breezy, hence, oh, enemy destroyer Soumitri, let us stay in this during rainy nights. [4-27-6]

Chapter 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 of Sundara Kanda have mentions about this mountain. Not covering vedanta aspects of these chapters. 

ततः प्रस्रवणम् शैलम् ते गत्वा चित्र काननम् |
प्रणम्य शिरसा रामम् लक्ष्मणम् च महाबलम् || ५-६५-१
युव राजम् पुरः कृत्य सुग्रीवम् अभिवाद्य च |
प्रवृत्तम् अथ सीतायाः प्रवक्तुम् उपचक्रमुः || ५-६५-२

Keeping Angada the prince in their forefront those monkeys, on reaching Mount Prasravana having forests of variegated appearance, offered their salutation by bowing their heads in reverence to Rama and the mighty Lakshmana, greeting Sugreeva respectfully. Then, they started narrating the news of Seetha.

The zenith of Sundara Kanda are from Chapters 57 to 68. 

Hanuman, Jambavan, Angada the south team coming back to Prasavana Giri after finding Seetha & Madhuvana bhangam. Reporting events to Sri Ram, Lakshmana & Sugriva.

श्रुत्वा तु वचनम् तेषाम् हनूमान् मारुत आत्मजः |
प्रणम्य शिरसा देव्यै सीतायै ताम् दिशम् प्रति || ५-६५-७
उवाच वाक्यम् वाक्यज्ञः सीताया दर्शनम् यथा |
Hearing the words of those monkeys, the eloquent Hanuman, the son of wind-god saluting towards the direction of the Seetha the princess by bowing his head, spoke the following words, explaining how he saw Seetha.

Inside Cave, where Sri Ram, Lakshmana spent 4 months. The king who made this temple arround the cave carved the darbar inside and kept idols of Sir Rama, Lakshmana, Hanuman. Wondering why they kept the idol of Seetha inside, who was missing at that time. The cave is painted with and lost it's naturality, which should have been preserved. 

Back side of the cave of prasravana giri outskirts of Kishkinda Hampi.                                     

The idol here of Hanuman is in the form of handing over Chudamani to Sri Rama. 

एवम् उक्तो हनुमता रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |

तम् मणिम् हृदये कृत्वा प्ररुरोद सलक्ष्मणः || ५-६६-१
Hearing the words of Hanuma, Rama the son of Dasaratha, having Lakshmana by his side, pressing that jewel on his bosom, began to weep.

यथैव धेनुः स्रवति स्नेहात् वत्सस्य वत्सला |
तथा मम अपि हृदयम् मणि रत्नस्य दर्शनात् || ५-६६-३
"Even as a cow, who is affectionate towards her offspring, gushes forth the milk (from her teats) due to her love at the very sight of her calf, so does my heart too melt through the sight of this excellent jewel."

Sri Rama is weeping, keeping the jewel on his heart. This is the idol kept inside this cave. He is keeping his left arm in a yoga posture. 
एवम् उक्तो हनुमता रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |
तम् मणिम् हृदये कृत्वा प्ररुरोद सलक्ष्मणः || ५-६६-१
Hearing the words of Hanuman, Rama the son of Dasaratha, having Lakshmana by his side, pressing that jewel on his bosom, began to weep.

There is a great philosophy / vedanta / science beyond the science behind all these which will be discussed on a personal basis. As these are not to be revealed in public. 
अयम् हि शोभते तस्याः प्रियाया मूर्ध्नि मे मणिः |
अस्य दर्शनेन अहम् प्राप्ताम् ताम् इव चिन्तये || ५-६६-७
"This jewel indeed looks splendid on the head of my beloved Seetha. By seeing this now, I am considering as though I obtained the sight of Seetha herself."

It was my long dream to go to this mountain. I had to visit near by for an official visit and could get time to visit this holy place and spent some time there. I dream of writing more about this mountain soon. 

Those who seek to visit here can go to Hampi and check for Malyavanta mountain. This is another name of this hill. 

Locals call this hill as Bythe pahadi in Hindi. There is a road going up for cars.

Me and my daughter choose to climb this hill, the driver waiting down the hill with car.

There is a large temple complex here around the cave. A Lakshmi temple is also there in the complex. A yagna shala is in one corner. There is cliff near by and once you climb here ca see whole of Kishkinda and Tungabhadra river flowing near by.
This temple should be renovated and lots of study is to be done here. 

I was happy to be here, which are last 65-68 chapters of Sundara Kanda which is upasana kanda of Valmiki Ramayana. Also Sundara Kanda is an upanishd inside the Valmiki Ramayana. Inner meanings are so sweet. The story is also sweet. The Sundara Kanda is a real story happened and written as per Vedanta and Tantra Sasthara. 



  1. Nice very informative 👍🙏

  2. I too was there last year and it was so touching. It is still quiet and lovely due to not having much tourists. My wife and i were the only ones in that spot for about 2 hours and I wished I could stay there for ever.

  3. Wonderful information sir. I am reading Sundara kandam and also narrating Ramayana for kids. This blog was suggested by Google while I was looking for the location of Prasravana mountain. Jai Sri Ram

  4. Thanks Manoj for taking pains to visit the place but also patiently documenting with reference to Sanskrit shlokas from the Original and also adding images. Wonderful work. I bumped into your blog while doing research for the Ramayana Biodiversity topic. Thanks once again
