Friday, 22 March 2019

Karma Yoga + Jnana Yoga - How to lead a balanced life and get Moksha

Once we read or hear most of the books and talks of the holy masters of India, we will feel they convey a message of renouncing and be always in bliss. This is one path for sure. But not the only path for all. The Karma Yoga is very important path for majority of the individuals. Karma Yoga leads to the purification and purification leads to Moksha. It is not essential that Jnana Yoga only will lead to Moksha. The Jnana Yoga will lead to Moksha, but this path is a path of Atma Rathi the bliss all the time. There is no Karma or less karma involved in this yoga. If you observe all the Jnana Yogis they were in meditation and mostly secluded. The Karma Yoga is possible only for non secluded. So these are extreme opposite ways. One novice into the Vedanta will stumble to these 2 paths going 180 degree on opposite side. It is not so easy to take a break between each hour and meditate while working. The Karma Yoga brings vibrancy and a lot of unrest to the mind. The mind will be fluctuating, Intellect will be confused once you do Karma. Thinking of the ultimate and for the ultimate you can do Karma and will become Nishkama Karma. The karma can be selected based on the vasanas of each human. Earlier days if we read epics we could make out that the Karma allocated/selected mainly was based on the birth. That ambiance is not there now. Now is purely based on the vasanas. Select a Karma which we wants to do but not harmful to any. Off course there are no karmas which are not harmful to any creature. But can select a karma with least harm to all creatures. We can see many Karma yogis in history as well as in epics. There are ideal examples of some of the greatest Karma Yogis already have atma jnana. One finest example is that of Sri Hanuman. Hanuman had atma jnana, but he never left karma. He was a Karma Yogi as well. Hanuman was vibrant hero of the epic Ramayana. The name Karma and Hanuman are synonymous. Another example was that of King Janaka, King Ambarisha,... a lot of Karma Yogis were there in world. So now the question is most of these Karma yogis were already have atma jnana, but what about a common layman who wants to walk to the paths of the Karma Yoga, who dont have Atma Jnana. The way out is to do Karma Yoga and gradually Atma Jnana will arise. So It means once we get atma jnana and experience of atman one can retire? That is what all the great hero like Hanuman, Janaka, Ambarisha had displayed us. To have balance of the Karma Yoga and Jnan Yoga together in life. Karma definitely will bring lost of oscillations in mind where as the meditation will bring a lot of tranquility in mind. Divide a days time by 4. One each part can be used for different attainments. 12 hours for Karma including the karma for earning, Karma with family, Karma with world. 6 hours can be spent in Jnana yoga with reading spiritual books, Pooja, Meditation & experiencing the self. Balance 6 hours for the sleep which take the functions of body, mind, intellect to a stand still. Only if you have a peaceful mind and intellect then only will be able to  have proper karma yoga. To have peaceful mind one need to have meditation and Jnana. So in a way both Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga mutually complement each other. More balance you find between the KARMA YOGA Vs JNANA YOGA better it is to have more balanced life. If already have Jnana, do Karma. If you already are into Karma get Jnana. Keep both balanced. This state is the state of a Jeenvan muktha but involved in Karma Yoga.  

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