Sunday 16 October 2016

Rishyamukh Mountain of Kishkindakanda - Valmiki Ramayana of Hanuman

Geographical exploration of 4th Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana.

Route traveled by Sri Rama from North to South in search of Srimati Sita. Kishkinda was monkey kingdom at that time, through which he traveled. 
4th Chapter of Valmiki Ramayana is " Kishkindakanda". Kishkinda is Hampi and surrounding areas of Karnataka. This mountain is Rishyamukha mountain mentioned in Kishkindakand.
River Tungabhadra is flowing near the Rishsymukah parvat in Kishkinda. This mountain had the ashram of Matanga maharshi. Also Kishkinda was kingdom of monkeys. A demon Dundubhi attacked Kishkinda and Vali killed and throw his body and fell to this mountain. Matanga Maharshi cursed Vali not to enter this mountain hence forth.  This area is called Chakra teertha. Visited by Adi shankaracharya, Madhavacharya, Vyasaraya, ..
After Vali expelled Sugreeva from palace, Sugreeva stayed in the Rishimukha mountain along with his ministers. Sugreeva's chief minister was Hanuman. Hanuman gave lots of confidence to Sugreeva staying in this mountain. Reference from Ramayana==> अहम् विनिकृतो भ्रात्रा चरामि एष भयार्दितः |
ऋष्यमूकम् गिरि वरम् हृत भार्यः सुदुःखितः || ४-८-१७ "My brother calumniated me and stole my wife, with his fear and my anguish haunting me I am moving about this best mountain Rishyamuka. [4-8-17] Another sloka: ततः शाप भयात् भीत ऋश्यमूकम् महागिरिम् |
प्रवेष्टुम् न इच्छति हरिः द्रष्टुम् वा अपि नरेश्वर || ४-११-६४ "Then, dreaded by the fear of curse that monkey Vali does not aspire to enter the great mountain Rishyamuka, oh, people's lord, Rama, or he does not even wish to look at it." Thus Sugreeva continued his narration. [4-11-64]
Hanuman in the form of Brahmin, meeting Sri Ram and Lakshmana. In the background is the Rishimukh parvat. This is where Ram and Hanuman meet each other for first time. Hanuman praised Ram and Ram praised Hanuman's immense oration /grammatical / vedic ability & knowledge in Sanskrit. Here is the slokas from Ramayana==> वचो विज्ञाय हनुमान् सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः |
पर्वतात् ऋष्यमूकात् तु पुप्लुवे यत्र राघवौ || ४-३-1 Mindful of the words of noble-souled Sugreeva, Hanuma took his flight from Mt. Rishyamuka to where Raghavaa-s are. [4-3-1]
Rishimukh parvat was a place for deep tapas not only by Matanga Maharshi, but by many maharshis in future. Even now many saints do tapas in this mountain. Deep silence is hallmark of this mountain. 
A mountain with highest vibrations and was visited by Rama, Lakshmana & Hanuman. 
Pre-historic bridge constructed of granite to cross tungabhadra river and reach Rishimukh mountain. Now in damaged condition.
Green paddy fields in Kishkinda. There are 67 chapters in Kishkinda kanda of Valmiki Ramayana. Out of which 30 are focusing on to Kishkinda and rest are search of Seetha by monkeys in all four directions. Rishyamukh is an important platform where major events happen of Kishkinda kanda.
The mountain is on other side of the Hampi ruined city, crossing the Tungabhadra river.